
Province seeks input on cosmetic pesticides

By Contributor
December 15th, 2009

The following is a press release issued by the provincial government:


Environment Minister Barry Penner is asking British  Columbians for their input on whether additional restrictions should be  placed on the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes.

“It just makes sense to limit pesticide use to what is actually  required to accomplish a particular task, which is why we already  require the use of integrated pest management for many pesticide uses  in B.C.,” said Penner. “We now want to have a discussion about how we  can encourage all British Columbians to reduce unnecessary pesticide  use.”

An online public consultation launched today asks British Columbians  for their views on a number of issues, including: how to define the  cosmetic use of pesticides, when it is appropriate to use pesticides  and how to best regulate specific pesticides that have both cosmetic  and non-cosmetic uses.

The B.C. Government’s August 2009 speech from the throne committed to  consulting British Columbians on how to further safeguard our  environment from the use of chemical pesticides for cosmetic uses.

Pesticides used in B.C. must first be approved by Health Canada and are  also regulated through the Integrated Pest Management Act, which sets rules for both the sale and use of pesticides. The act requires pest control companies to practice integrated pest management, which includes pest prevention and considering alternatives to pesticides. The act also requires that people be notified when pesticides are used on public land, and around multi-resident buildings.

The public consultation, officially launched today, will remain open until Feb. 15, 2010. The results of the consultation will be made public in the spring of 2010, along with information about any next steps to address cosmetic use of pesticides in B.C..

People can participate in the consultation by visiting the website at
http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/epd/ipmp/ and clicking on the Cosmetic Use of
Pesticides Consultation button.

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